Dietitians trained in behavior-change science and health coaching for women ages 18 and beyond.
Obesity-certified providers specializing in sustainable change. This care pathway begins with a dietitian intake.
Integrated OB/GYN and dietitian care team specializing in medical and wellness treatments.
How virtual clinic Works
Extension of care from your in-person clinician
Create a free account
Use it to manage appointments and view notes from your Virtual Clinic care team.
Answer a few questions
Complete a short intake questionnaire about your medical history and upload your insurance info.
Book your first appointment
Schedule your 30- or 50 minute intake appointment (depending on the type) within about a week.
Virtual care that benefits you
In network with most insurers
The Virtual Clinic services are covered by these payers, and many more. We’ll look up your coverage when you create a new account. Out-of-network coverage may also be available.